Prior to starting my own business, I often found myself feeling frustrated. I felt stuck and stagnant, as though I would never improve, and never do enough to really make a positive impact on others’ lives. After learning from two great mentors, I finally built up the courage to let go...
Marketing of all forms
Customer Acquisition Hacks for the Multi-Channel B2B Marketer (Radius)
I downloaded a good eBook from Radius today titled Customer Acquisition Hacks: For the Multi-Channel B2B Marketer. There are hacks for each stage of the buyer’s journey: Awareness Stage, Interest Stage, Consideration Stage, and Decision Stage. The full eBook can be downloaded here:, and my notes on the...
Link Content Marketing from the Sales Lion- how to get your customers to buy before they even talk to you
If you haven’t already heard about content marketing from Marcus Sheridan at, the basic principal of which is simply “They ask. You answer.” Check out the webinar:
How to Use Inbound Marketing to Dramatically Increase Web Traffic, Get More Leads and Earn Way More Sales (October 2015)
The link is to a webinar page, so hopefully this particular webinar is still available when you get to that page. If not, check out his website Here are my notes:
- 70% of the decision to buy is before “zero moment of truth” (before you even get contacted)
- There’s Negative emotion with buying a used car
- Fears are
- Don’t want to buy lemon
- Want to get good value
- Don’t want to haggle and deal with salesman
- Buyers remorse
- Carmax looked at every reason and wondered if it’s possible to eliminate these fears
- No Haggle price
- 5 day moneyback guarantee
- Good Inspection system
- They are transparent
- Fears are
- Content Marketing– your company’s ability to be the best and most helpful teaching resource in the world
- A culture of listeners and teachers
- They ask, you answer
- How to produce content that people and search engines love
- People do a lot of research before buying
- It’s all about trust- be honest and transparent
Stay humble, grow stronger!