Increasing Productivity

It’s always good to learn more about how to be productive.  This article holds a good list of 15 things to increase productivity at work, but these principles can be applied to productivity in general as well. Many of us have heard some or most, but here are the ones I personally didn’t really consider: […]

Document Management Software – Delivering Pathways for Modern Integration (Lauren Ford)

In this article, Lauren Ford simply and eloquently reiterates the advantages of Document Management software integration and lists a few of the most common integrations, accounting/financial, CRM, and eSignature.  It’s important to keep these common integrations in mind, as they are typically easy wins when it comes to bringing value through EDM solutions.  It’s also […]

Content Marketing from the Sales Lion- how to get your customers to buy before they even talk to you

If you haven’t already heard about content marketing from Marcus Sheridan at, the basic principal of which is simply “They ask.  You answer.”  Check out the webinar: How to Use Inbound Marketing to Dramatically Increase Web Traffic, Get More Leads and Earn Way More Sales (October 2015) The link is to a webinar page, […]

Improve EDM while listening to EDM

Ha!  I often forget EDM, Electronic Document Management, is also EDM, Electronic Dance Music.  In any case, in my EDM research, I stumbled upon this article regarding music, but I think these tips can still be applied by most of us!  Click the title below or the picture for the article: 50 Rut-Busting Tips for Improved […]

Digital Document Workflow is More Than Just Digitizing Content (Palmer)

Great article in explaining the difference between pure digitization of paper and document workflow for efficiency. “Companies that go paperless are likely to see cost savings, recovered time, reduced impact on operational resources and a productivity boost in almost all areas of their business.” “…fully enabled digital workflow is much more than simply scanning paper documents […]