If you haven’t already heard about content marketing from Marcus Sheridan at www.saleslion.com, the basic principal of which is simply “They ask. You answer.” Check out the webinar:
How to Use Inbound Marketing to Dramatically Increase Web Traffic, Get More Leads and Earn Way More Sales (October 2015)
The link is to a webinar page, so hopefully this particular webinar is still available when you get to that page. If not, check out his website www.thesaleslion.com. Here are my notes:
- 70% of the decision to buy is before “zero moment of truth” (before you even get contacted)
- There’s Negative emotion with buying a used car
- Fears are
- Don’t want to buy lemon
- Want to get good value
- Don’t want to haggle and deal with salesman
- Buyers remorse
- Carmax looked at every reason and wondered if it’s possible to eliminate these fears
- No Haggle price
- 5 day moneyback guarantee
- Good Inspection system
- They are transparent
- Fears are
- Content Marketing– your company’s ability to be the best and most helpful teaching resource in the world
- A culture of listeners and teachers
- They ask, you answer
- How to produce content that people and search engines love
- People do a lot of research before buying
- It’s all about trust- be honest and transparent
Stay humble, grow stronger!