The Power of Storytelling in Marketing

Prior to starting my own business, I often found myself feeling frustrated.  I felt stuck and stagnant, as though I would never improve, and never do enough to really make a positive impact on others’ lives.  After learning from two great mentors, I finally built up the courage to let go of the steady paycheck, the incredibly […]

The Big Question: “What do you do?”

It’s one of the first questions we ask one another when meeting for the first time, or even when just running into someone we haven’t seen in a while: “What do you do?”  It seems innocent enough, and admittedly it’s often what I resort to in casual conversation, but what are the implications and underlying intentions […]

Judgmentalism and Using Pokémon Go to Improve Your Life

How we can all use Pokémon Go to improve our lives: Watching everyone walking around town on their phones looking for Pokémon can certainly elicit many judgmental feelings: “People are just on their phones all the time!” “Don’t they have something better to do?!” “I wouldn’t be doing that because… …I’m too busy.” …I have more […]

Customer Acquisition Hacks for the Multi-Channel B2B Marketer (Radius)

I downloaded a good eBook from Radius today titled Customer Acquisition Hacks: For the Multi-Channel B2B Marketer.  There are hacks for each stage of the buyer’s journey: Awareness Stage, Interest Stage, Consideration Stage, and Decision Stage.  The full eBook can be downloaded here:, and my notes on the 10 hacks for the Awareness Stage […]

The Benefits of Digital Document Management

How do organizations big and small benefit from a good document management system?  We’ll start with a reminder of what a digital document management system is at a high level: a software solution which indexes all the information and documents of an organization.  It’s important to reiterate that, these days, there are solutions for any […]

Increasing Productivity

It’s always good to learn more about how to be productive.  This article holds a good list of 15 things to increase productivity at work, but these principles can be applied to productivity in general as well. Many of us have heard some or most, but here are the ones I personally didn’t really consider: […]

What is Integrated Document and Enterprise Content Management?

For anyone unfamiliar, Integrated Document Management (IDM) and Enterprise Content Management (ECM) are the strategies, methods and tools used to capture & collect, store, preserve, manage, secure, retrieve, track, archive, maintain, and deliver content and documents related to organizational processes. These tools and strategies most often involve the use of one or more document or content management software systems, which will integrate either directly […]

Document Management Software – Delivering Pathways for Modern Integration (Lauren Ford)

In this article, Lauren Ford simply and eloquently reiterates the advantages of Document Management software integration and lists a few of the most common integrations, accounting/financial, CRM, and eSignature.  It’s important to keep these common integrations in mind, as they are typically easy wins when it comes to bringing value through EDM solutions.  It’s also […]

Content Marketing from the Sales Lion- how to get your customers to buy before they even talk to you

If you haven’t already heard about content marketing from Marcus Sheridan at, the basic principal of which is simply “They ask.  You answer.”  Check out the webinar: How to Use Inbound Marketing to Dramatically Increase Web Traffic, Get More Leads and Earn Way More Sales (October 2015) The link is to a webinar page, […]